My best friend Samra and I began podcasting in the summer of 2019. Coincidentally or divinitively, one of our very first goals were to attend a podcasting conference and through a simple google search we learned about the very first SPL happening in ATL, just 2 and a half hours away, in the fall. We went into it knowing very little about podcasting and hadn't even recorded our first episode. Once we got to the conference and attended our first few sessions, we already knew that this would be a life changing experience for us. We were able to meet so many welcoming and likeminded podcasters who we are still connected with today as well as learn SO MUCH. We came back home and felt so much more prepared and encouraged to begin our show. Fast forward now 3 years later and we're still doing our show loving it more than ever, have had so many accomplishments, and still love our SP family and attended SPL21. I personally have decided to go even deeper into podcasting and am dabbling in the idea of becoming a full-time producer/ deciding what a full-time career in podcasting will look like. All of this to say SPL was a life changing experience and am so grateful for the community you all have built and all of the opportunities we've had that came from it.
Much love to you both!